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Crazy about Kowoll’s 3D Lidar SLAM? We just might be!

We may have found the cutest robotic lawn mower to date. Yes, we said “cute,” and we are not ashamed.

We were recently at the Equip Exposition, which is a convention for landscapers, manufacturers, inventors, and other professionals to test cutting-edge products. It’s basically the Super Bowl for landscaping nerds.

It was there that we came upon the cutest robotic lawn mower decked out in grey with orange trim—the Kolmower M28E. Even the name is cute.

But don’t let that fool you. This little guy has some awesome and unique specs with big-time technology.

Background on Kowoll and the Kolmower M28E

Kowoll is the creator of the Kolmower M28E. The company is relatively new, as it was founded in 2022. Kowoll’s mission is to make gardening easier and more fun with its products. In addition to its mower robots, Kowoll makes pool, camping, and garage robots and accessories.

The Kolmower M28E started as a Kickstarter project, and it raised $763,034 out of its requested $10,000 from 560 backers. And we think we understand whyits 3D LiDAR SLAM technology.


The Kolmower M28E is impressive because it can navigate and map an area by using two different paths. First, it can use the traditional route of satellite navigation paired with real-time kinematic positioning (RTK). Its second navigation option is light detection and ranging (LiDAR) combined with simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM).

LiDAR uses laser RADAR sensors to capture information and measure its surrounding area. For the Kolmower M28E, this means that it uses its sensors to “see” obstacles, avoid them, and “see” its boundaries. Many of its sensors pop up collectively like a little hat on top of the mower. We told you that it’s cute.

Its SLAM ability enables the robot to generate a three-dimensional map of its surroundings.

Sounds fancy, but what does this actually mean for your lawn?

Intelligent Courtyard Design

The Kolmower M28E’s 3D LiDAR SLAM capabilities make it the perfect mower for courtyards and gardens that are plagued by roofs, trees, and other structures that may impede wireless connectivity.

Usually, if there are wireless connectivity problems, a robotic lawn mower may miss areas, be unable to navigate obstacles, and may not be able to find its charging station. But, the 3D LiDAR SLAM navigation provides a workaround for poor wireless connectivity.

It also means that the Kolmower M28E doesn’t need to see the sky to function.

We know. Our minds are blown too.

When we saw the little guy at the convention, it was functioning just fine inside of the building. So, in theory, you could use the Kolmower M28E to mow inside of a building. We’re not sure why you would have a lawn inside of your home where you would need this feature, but we don’t rule anything out of the realm of possibility.

Training the Kolmower M28E

To make the most of the Kolmower M28E’s 3D LiDAR SLAM capabilities, you need to train it, although the training is not difficult.

All you need to do is walk the Kolmower M28E around your garden while using an app on your phone. The app works as a remote control for the robot so that you can set the boundaries and define any obstacles. The Kolmower M28E will store that map in its “brain” and mow the area in straight lines to ensure efficient mowing. If wireless connectivity is lost, the mower will simply revert to its internal map to keep going.

Should an obstacle appear that you hadn’t anticipated during the first mapping, the Kolmower M28E will sense the obstacle and replan around it. You don’t need to tell it to replan, and it doesn’t need to bump its head against the obstacle to “see” it. You could have some fun with this if you’re bored one day. We’re just saying.

Other Specs

The Kolmower M28E has a 100-watt motor, covers about 4,000 square meters (about an acre), and functions for two hours on one charge. Its cutting width is 28 centimeters, and its cutting height range is between 1.18 inches and 3.5 inches, making it suitable for most grass types. It can also be cleaned easily.

It comes with an “edge mowing” feature, which means that after it has finished mowing it will take one more pass around the map’s edge. While not unique, it is a feature we like to see offered.

The app includes customization features that allow you to set a schedule, edit or delete maps, set the mower’s speed, and set the cutting height among other options.

In addition to being able to handle hills with slopes up to twenty-five degrees, it’s waterproof. It even has enough sense to come in out of the rain and go back to its charging station.

The robot also has anti-theft features. That doesn’t mean that it knows self-defense tactics, although that would be really cool. Rather, if the robot leaves its map, then the app will notify you. You can then track the Kolmower M28E by using GPS. Take that bad guys!

Where Can You Get One?

The Kolmower M28E with 3D LiDAR SLAM is launching in early 2024, and you check for updates at We at Autmow don’t sell it yet, but maybe we should. What do you think?

Let us know if you’d like to see the Kolmower M28E in our inventory by commenting below or sending us a message here: Contact Us.

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