
EPOS Wireless Technology

The Husqvarna EPOS wireless robotic mowing system is the next generation technology for the industry. Through the use of GNSS Satellites and RTK correction, the limitations of wired installations can become a thing of the past.

What is EPOS?

EPOS (Exact Positioning Operating System) from Husqvarna marks one of the biggest changes in robotic mowing since its inception. EPOS uses a mix of cell and RTK networks to communicate with the mower. What does this mean? This means no more burried boundary or guide wires and no more pesky breaks mid-season. Currently, nearly every robotic mower on the market uses the “invisible fence” approach to define the lawn shape and various obstacles.

“…no more burried boundary or guide wires and no more pesky breaks mid-season.”

With this new, revolutionary technology making its way to the consumer market, we expect it to open a lot of doors for installation and lawn coverage. The ability to have multiple mowers, saved areas, quick and easy editing all lead to a more versatile means of robotic mowing. And we couldn’t be more excited about this.

EPOS Models

Husqvarna offers a range of EPOS wireless robotic models for both Residential and Commercial use.


Max Area | 2.5 Acre(s)
Cut Height | .8″-2.4″


Max Area | 2.5 Acre(s)
Cut Height | 1.6″-3.6″

550 EPOS

Max Area | 2.5 Acre(s)
Cut Height | .8″-2.4″


Max Area | 2.5 Acre(s)
Cut Height | 1.6″-3.6″

Husqvarna Ceora product image

Max Area | 18 Acre(s)
Cut Height | .8″-2.8″

How it Works

Reference Station

The reference station component of EPOS utilizes RTK (Real Time Kinematics) to provide GPS correction data from a fixed point near the robotic mower. Traditional GPS does not provide the accuracy needed to the robot, but the reference station is able to ensure the unit is accurate within 2-3 cm when properly mounted and clear of obstructions.

The reference station is sold separate from EPOS mower units. Multiple EPOS units are able to use the same reference station for GPS correction. It is also possible to use multiple reference stations to expand the working area for large scale, multi-unit installs. This means there is no limit to the size of a working area other than the mowers battery and capability.

Robotic Mower

The robotic mowing technology of the unit is almost identical to the current generation of mowers provided by Husqvarna. It maintains all cutting, collision, safety and other systems as the traditional wired units.

The key difference is in how it is installed and how that installation is modified. Without the burried wire, adjustments to working areas can be made quickly and with far less effort than other models. One downside to keep in mind is that this means the installation area has to meet more requirements for an effective installation.

Automower Connect

EPOS relies on the companion app for initial setup, monitoring and modification. Since there is no physical boundary wire to determine the working area, virtual boundaries for working areas, stay-out-zones and transport paths are setup via app connection.

During setup, the mower is driven through the app as you walk the installation area that will eventually be the mowers working areas. In addition to where you want to mow, you can easily set areas that it should stay out of as well as the transport paths that tell the mower how to access the working areas from its charging station.

Work Area
Work Area

These are the areas where the mower is allowed to mow. A single mower can have multiple work areas that may have different schedules or cutting preferences depending on the grass type and use.

Stay-out Zone
Stay-out zone

These are the areas that may be within or near an installation that you do not want the mower to enter. They can be permanent like a drainage cover or temporary if there is construction or work taking place.

Charging Station
Charging Station

Included with the robot, the charging station is where the mower will automatically dock when the battery runs low. It will charge, update when needed, and continue to mow on the set schedule.

Reference Station
Reference Station

Sold separately from the mower, the reference station and mounting location are crucial for EPOS success. It must be mounted with a clear view of the sky and installation area, or the mower will not be able to receive the real-time GPS corrections for its location

Transport Paths
Transport Paths

Transport paths are set manually from the Automower Connect app when setting up the EPOS unit. The paths are used by the mowing unit to effectively access the work areas and return to the charging station.

Point of Interest
Point of Interest

The point of interest feature can used as a "parking point" outside of a working area and separate from the charge station. When the mower needs service, it can drive to this point which removes the need to transport tools to the mower or the mower to a separate location.

previous arrow
next arrow
Work Area
Stay-out Zone
Charging Station
Reference Station
Transport Paths
Point of Interest
previous arrow
next arrow

Benefits of EPOS

robotic mowing aeration

Robust Installation

While wired robotic mower installations remain a tried and proven technology, that wire can cause some frustrations and comes with limitations that a wireless solution may not. For those familiar, a lot of planning is necessary for wired installations on a larger scale. Once it’s been installed, troubleshooting problems with the wire can be a tedious and frustrating task without the proper knowledge and tools. For EPOS models, the virtual boundary removes wire break concerns meaning you can aerate and quickly adjust the installation when needed.

Flexible Areas

One of the biggest benefits to a wireless robotic mowing solution, is the flexibility it allows. For wired units, there is very little wiggle room for adjustments and it is typically a very involved effort. With EPOS, modification to an existing installation can be down from the Connect App once setup or in just a few minutes in the field.

The removal of wires also means more remote work areas can be established for the same mower and the overall installation size can be much larger. Current wired units are typically limitied to 800m of linear boundary wire.

Precise Area Management

Easily manage the installation area and all settings from the Connect App. You or anyone on your team can modify the granular settings of the mower and the installation area.

Modify Schedules: Change the operation schedule of the mower in any of your installation areas with a few taps on your phone.

Cutting Height: Quickly and easily modify the height required for a work zone.

Cutting Pattern: Some models like the CEORA, allow you to set different cutting patterns for programatic mowing and picture perfect finish.

Fleet Control

With commercial robotic mowing comes the need for multiple mowers in most cases. While not exclusive to EPOS units, the Husqvarna Fleet Services dashboard puts the visibility of mowing statistics, current status and the ability to send commands to a single or even all mowers at once. See which mowers are having problems, park a select few or all mowers for in climate weather or events. It’s all visible and connected in the Fleet Services App from any device. 

Install Requirements

Unimpeded Sky

A clear view of the Sourthern sky for the reference station, mower, and docking station area is incredibly important. This ensures uninterupted signal from the satellite constellations and proper mower operation.

Fixed Position

The reference station should be mounted high, with a clear view and should not be moved. If the reference station is moved, the virtual boundaries will be moved with it.

Minimal Trees

A few smaller trees should not be a big issue, but heavily wooded areas with large, dense canopied trees prevents signal delivery from the satellite and reference station to the mower.

Minimal Structures

As with the tree coverage, large structures or buildings can and will cause signal interferance and prevent the mower from operating properly and causing frustration.

Is EPOS Right for You?

Head over to our contact page and we would be happy to help determine if a EPOS wireless robotic mowing solution is right for you.