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Artificial intelligence and machine learning in robotic lawn mowers (AI enabled mowers)

Lawn care has become so much less of a hassle as the decades have gone by. All thanks to the side of ever-evolving technology. First, it was solar-powered mowing, then electric-powered autonomous mowing, and now we have artificial intelligence in robotic lawn mowers playing a role.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have taken robotic lawn mowing to newer heights. Today, we’ll show you how it greatly improves your lawn care routine.

What Artificial Intelligence Means for Robot Mower Owners

While autonomous lawn mowers are one of the most revolutionary improvements in lawn care, setting them up for the first time can be a bit of a drag for many. Of course, there is the option to have it professionally installed for you, but still. 

However, artificial intelligence is the next upgrade in lawn care. With it, the common hassles of robotic lawn mowers will soon be no more. And regular perimeter wire installation is the first thing you’ll be relieved from. 

Instead, artificial intelligence in robotic lawn mowers will study the property in the first few uses. You won’t have to place any perimeter wire around your lawn any longer. With features that we’ll discuss later, the robot mower will automatically stay within your lawn areas.

Even better, you can command your mower with voice interaction. Thanks to the ability to connect to your smart home, you can tell the mower when to stop, start, or pause upon your request.

All of these upgrades equals more of your time saved in the future. You won’t have to spend around six hours setting up the perimeter wire, the docking station, and clearing away any lawn tools or toys.

New or Improved Features

Many robot mowers have a plethora of clutch features that make lawn care simple. Artificial intelligence takes those features up to the next level. Let’s explore the ways:

Mapping Technology

This awesome feature is why you won’t have to worry about complicated perimeter wire. For now, you’ll find this feature in Husqvarna’s Automower 415x, 435x, and 535. Some other brands’ robot mowers have this feature as well with plenty more to come.

Related: New Automower Intelligent Mapping Technology

So here’s how this feature works in a robotic lawn mower:

  1. When you first unbox the mower and its dock, you can set up the mowing schedule. That includes the cutting height for less or more frequent mowing.
  2. On its first run, try to clear the yard of any obstacles and furniture (not necessary but helpful). You’ll also want to set up barriers on spaces in the lawn that you don’t want to be mowed, like a fence around the garden.
  3. Let the mower run its schedule a few times. Every time it mows, the AI will remember your lawn. It’ll study where the lawn edges, any trees or bushes, and fences. After a few mowing cycles, it’ll remember where to go and know when to stop or change directions.

After a little over a week has passed, the mower will “get used” to your lawn and mow without any issue. The GPS sensors help the robot mower know what parts of the lawn were already mowed and what parts weren’t.

Related: How long does it take a robotic lawn mower to map an area?

The convenient part? You can monitor the mower’s location right from your phone or tablet. 

Smart Home Connectivity

What’s even more convenient is how you can control your autonomous mower from inside your home with voice command. Some mowers can pair up with smart home tech like Amazon Alexa.

Related: How to talk to Automower using Amazon Alexa

By connecting to your smart home, you can give the autonomous mower voice commands. Let’s say for example that it’s about to rain; you can tell the mower to pause its current run and resume once the rain is gone.

The techies out there can take advantage of the open API and create their own programs for the mower.

Machine Learning

This is the mechanical brain being put to use. We discussed earlier how it’d be helpful to move stuff away from the lawn when letting the robot mower run for the first time. 

By doing so, it’ll be easier for the mower to virtually map out the lawn. After the first or second mow, it’ll be fine if there are things in the yard. As it mows, it’ll use its sensors to check for things like lawn furniture, trees, garden fences, etc.

The more times the mower runs, the more it’ll approximately remember where not to mow. With the navigation sensors, it’ll have a “visual” of the object and its location so that the mower knows when to look out for the object next time. 

Like we said before, you don’t have to move stuff out of the way during the first mow. It’ll just make it easier for the robot mower to learn the space faster.

Smart Lawn Care Tech is Getting Smarter Everyday

The goal of a robotic lawn mower is to make your lawn mowing much more simple. Thanks to artificial intelligence, it’ll become even more simple without you worrying about installing perimeter wires. 

Start your search for the brainiest robot mowers!

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