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The 6 Most Common Robotic Mowing Questions Answered in 60 Seconds or Less

common questions about robotic mowing

Did you know that right now, you could go out and buy an almost completely autonomous mower? Yes, you can buy a robot that will go out and cut the grass for you while you kick back and enjoy a cold one.

Even more exciting is that the robotic mowing market is set to explode over the next five years. However, right now, some people are just beginning to learn about robotic mowers. And many of those people have quite a lot of questions!

In our latest video, we delve into the most frequently asked questions about robotic mowers. And we challenge ourselves to answer each one in 60 seconds or less.

Feel free to watch the video below, or follow along for a quick summary of those must-know questions that people are always asking.

COMMON ROBOTIC MOWING QUESTION 1: How Do Robotic Mowers Handle Obstacles Like Tree Roots?

The answer to this question depends on the type of robotic mower you have. If the mower requires a boundary wire, you simply place that around the root, and the mower knows to turn around. 

If your autonomous mower does not need a wire, you can set up areas where the mower should not go. However, these mowers are usually more advanced and feature a sensor that recognizes obstacles and either avoids them automatically or slows down. These sensors operate much like those on many cars, which can detect objects and either beep or automatically brake for you.

But no matter what kind of robot mower you have, it will have a bumper on the front. If that bumper hits anything, the mower simply turns and goes in a new direction. If you have ever seen a robot vacuum, you know how this works.

In short, robotic mowers have many systems in place to help them work around obstacles without damaging the machine (or the tree roots!).

COMMON ROBOTIC MOWING QUESTION 2: How Does a Robotic Mower Handle Dog Poop?

This may not be a pleasant question to think about, but it’s a common one because dog excrement is a reality in many yards. Thanks, Fido.

The answer is that dog poop really doesn’t impact robotic mowers very much at all.  The mower’s blades are small, so they may cut into the pile, but that is about it.  The most likely outcome is that the machine ends up running over the poop and eventually grinding it into the dirt.

But the bottom line is that dog poop will not hurt the mower in any way, and it will not impact the quality of the mowing.

COMMON ROBOTIC MOWING QUESTION 3: Can a Robotic Mower Handle a Sloped or Hilly Lawn?

The short answer to this question is yes, within reason. The longer answer is a bit more complicated because it definitely depends on the type of robot mower you have and the exact slope it needs to handle.

Typically, any robotic mower should be able to handle up to a 22° slope, sufficient for most lawns. However, if you get an all-wheel drive model instead of two-wheel drive, the mower will likely be able to handle a 35° slope. 

Of course, what an autonomous mower can do varies by manufacturer. One robotic mower, made by Ambrogio, can handle over a 40° slope. 

No matter what, there will be a robotic mower that can meet your needs. If you know you have some pretty steep hills on your property, contact the robotic lawn care experts at Autmow. We can discuss the specs on every model in order to help you make the best decision for your lawn.  And of course, we would be happy to show you a free demo.

COMMON ROBOTIC MOWING QUESTION 4: Do I Need To Consider Grass Types Before Choosing a Robotic Mower?

Yes, you absolutely do, especially if you live in the southern half of the United States. There, you typically have Bermuda grasses, which are warm-weather grass types that grow very fast. As a result, your robotic mower may be working more often or a little harder than they were designed. As a result, we recommend actually buying models designed for lawns slightly larger than yours. This will help the robotic mower do a great job with your lawn maintenance for a long time.

In the northern half of the US, you will find more temperate grasses, such as rye, fescue, or bluegrass. These do not grow as quickly. Plus, they will slow growth way down in the fall and go dormant in the winter. As a result, you can stay closer to a robotic mower’s advertised capability.

Again, Autmow’s representative will definitely take this into account and help you select the right model for your lawn. Contact us today, and we will find only the best options for you.

COMMON ROBOTIC MOWING QUESTION 5: Can a Robotic Mower Handle 5+ Acres?

As with any emerging technology, robotic mowers are improving all the time. Major innovations in the industry are leading to mowers that can go for longer time periods. As such, some robot mowers in 2023 are going to be able to tackle 6, 9, and even 18 acres!


The answer to this question is a resounding yes!  In fact, autonomous mowers are significantly safer than traditional mowers. Each year, over 85,000 accidents occur due to traditional lawnmowers. However, to date, no accidents have ever been reported as a result of autonomous mowers.  

Why are robotic mowers so safe? The units stay low to the ground, completely covering the blades at all times. Plus, the safety bumpers around the unit mean that if the mower touches anything, such as a leg, it would turn in a new direction.

Hopefully, this cheat sheet helps answer some of your questions about robotic mowers. However, for more questions contact Autmow. Our experts will answer all of your Q&As and help you pick out the best robot lawnmower for your yard. Soon, you will be on your way to actually enjoying your free time while your machine does the mowing for you.

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